Starting Karting
Karting is recognised worldwide as the primary stepping stone to top levels of motorsport. The world's most talented and successful drivers started their careers in karts. Huge names like Michael Schumacher, Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton began their respective paths to driving superstardom behind the wheel of a kart.

Are you considering following in their footsteps? Are you interested in buying a kart and driving it as a hobby with a view to competing with similar–minded drivers locally or nationally? Are you considering getting your son or daughter into karting seriously? If so, take a look at our Step-By – Step Guide below.
STEP 1: Choose your class
First thing you have to know is what Race Class is for you. The easiest way to find this out is by age because to race in the UAE RMC, you must be in line with the regulations and age is one of them! so below are the ages you have to be to take part in the different Rotax classes.
Micro MAX:
- Age range 8-11 yrs.
- Competitors must be at least 8 years of age
- Exceptionally, 12 year old drivers are eligible if they:
(1) Under 145cm in height and 32kg in weight. - • Minimum weight of kart + driver (in full race gear) is 110 kg
Mini MAX:
- Age range 11-14 yrs.
- Competitors must be at least 11 years of age.
- Exceptionally, 10 year old drivers are eligible to compete if they
- (1) are at least 145cm in height,
- (2)weigh at least 35kg,
- (3) have completed at least one full season in the Micro MAX category during the previous UAE RMC season, and
- (4) their registration is accepted by the series organisers.
- Minimum weight of kart + driver (in full race gear) is 135 kg
Junior MAX:
- Age range 13-15yrs
- Competitors must have 13th birthday before/during 2018 and 16 th birthday after 31/12/19.
- 12 year old drivers are eligible to compete if they:
(1) Are at least 145cm in height,
(2) Weigh at least 40kg,
(3) Have completed at least one full season in the Mini MAX category (or at least 1 race in the Junior MAX category) during the previous UAE RMC season,
(4) Conform to the birthdate restrictions given above and
(5) Their registration is accepted by the series organisers - Minimum weight of kart + driver (in full race gear) is 145 kg
MAX – Age range 15yrs+
- Exceptionally, 14 year old drivers are eligible to compete if they:
(1) Have completed at least one full season in the Junior MAX category during the previous UAE RMC season. - Minimum weight of kart + driver (in full race gear) is 160 kg..
DD2 – Age range 15yrs+
- Exceptionally 14 year old drivers are eligible to compete if they
(1) Have their 15th birthday before the start of the season,
(2) Weigh at least 60kg and
(3) Have completed at least one full season in the Junior MAX category during the previous UAE RMC season.
DD2 Masters - Age range 31yrs+
Competitors must be at least 31 yrs and have their 32nd birthday before or during the current year.
STEP 2: Get a Kart
The next step is getting yourself a kart! A lot depends on your budget so here are a list of your options
Option 1 – Buy a second hand kart
There are plenty of second hand karts available right here in the UAE so if this is a route you are looking to go down, make sure that you find out as much information about the kart as possible because you might end up spending what you saved on repair parts!
When investigating a second hand kart, always find out the following:
- 01
Engine Seal
Only engines which have been sealed at Al Ain Raceway are eligible to race in the UAE RMC so ask to check to see the seal and call up Al Ain Raceway to clarify.
- 02
Engine Passport
All Rotax Engines will come with there own Identification card which will include the seal number, engine number and owner information. This is important to have as this displays the authenticity of the engine and is also needed for the RMC during the Scrutineering procedure.
- 03
Engine Hours
Not all second hand karts have a Mychron, but if the one you are looking at does, you will be able to go through the data and see exactly how many hours the engine has been used for. For more information on how to do this, please click on the link - 04
Do Your Research
Do as much research as you can on the kart by calling up Al Ain Raceway and giving them the Engine and Seal number so we can inform you with any work that has been done on the engine along with any history we have on the chassis.
Option 2 – Buy a brand new kart
Buying a brand new kart will give you peace-of-mind as you know that it is coming out of a box for the first time and has not been used and with the Rotax engine, you the comfort of a 1 year warranty in case you have a failure providing that you follow the running in procedures.
STEP 3: Run Yourself or Join a Team.
Taking care of the kart yourself by getting your hands dirty or choosing the option of having a team do that for you are just as equally successful, however the choice usually comes down to your budget, time constraints, and interest to tinker with karts.
STEP 4: Additional Items
There are a few additional items which you will need before your first race day. To see our Top 10 item list, please click Here
STEP 5: Practice, Practice, Practice
Having a good kart set-up is great but drivers tend to forget that the quickest way to improve is by PRACTICING.
Set the kart up on a neutral setting, get your bum in that seat and drive. If you can come in after every session with the same lap times, then you're definitely on the right track and remember, it doesn’t matter if you have been karting for 1 week or 10 years, everyone gets better with practice!.
STEP 6: Get a Licence
Before you can race in the Rotax Max Challenge, you need to get yourself a racing licence. This is a simple procedure and is explained in more detail HERE.
Get a licence