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05 November 2015

What is ESKC?


The Emirates Schools Karting Championship, is a team

based sport,open to any school or college student aged 13 to 18 and must consist of exactly three or four drivers from the same school or college. All drivers must be taller than 1.57m (5ft 2in) with shoes on.


Bespoke ESKC practice sessions will be held for testing and trainingpurposes, which teams are encouraged to make the most of, while race days will feature practice time before each mini-endurance race in the series.As karting for schools is a relatively new concept in the region thus interested students and/or parents of interested students should approach a teacher to lobby the project to the respective schools. It is important to persevere and persistence will really signal your intent and passion to be part of the ESKC!Also feel free to contact ESKC for support in the approach to school authorities on behalf of drivers and prospective teams.


Step-by-step way forward to participate in the ESKC is:

Form a team

rn Obtain permission from school to form a team to contest the ESKC: selecting three to four drivers and then attribute roles such as: a teacher as team manager, a student as assistant team manager and additional roles for several students including: crew members, media officers, strategists – all options subject to what individual teams intend making of their involvement in the ESKC.

Practice Sessions

Bespoke ESKC testing and practice sessions will take place at the various venues where drivers and teams are encouraged to hone their skills and prepare for the series.

Optional: Attract sponsorship

Through contacts within the school try and convince sponsors to back the team for expenses such as: entry fees, race overalls, branding etc.

Race Days

Once all the boxes are ticked and the team well rehearsed on track it will be time for race day where schools will go head to head in what should be thrilling one hour contests of endurance and teamwork with the goal of qualifying for the ESKC Grand Finals and a shot at the pretigious ESKC Champion title.

To view the race calendar click here. (Calendar Dates TBD)

Team Entry Cost

AED 2,700 for three Regional Rounds, one Test & Welcome Day plus entry to the Final for teams that qualify

To get started we recommend you read the Rules and then to begin your racing adventure by registering your team.

Please follow the below link to get more information...

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